Use the Quanta platform to get actionable insights about your financial portfolios.
Browse financial portfolios by the Quanta community and institutional asset managers.
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Join the waitlistUse Quanta to analyze your portfolio. Know your investment style and learn how your portfolio is positioned.
Use our portfolio risk analyzer to estimate various risk sources, like the allocation of your portfolio across asset classes. Watch your portfolio’s performance in economic downturns. Simulate the future. Estimate what risks each asset is exposed to and how they correlate with other assets.
Join the waitlistCustomize your portfolio allocation based on your current financial objectives and risk level. Let Quanta dynamically build a portfolio with a combination of stocks, ETF’s and more asset classes. Limit downsides. Pair risks. Limit exposure to currency volatility. Add constraints to fundamental data. Calculate new portfolio weights.
Allocate your capital properly. Optimize and rebalance your portfolio based on market movements and your preferences - all while adhering to state of the art risk management practices..
Join the waitlistExplore the market to find compatible assets that may match your preferences and current financial objectives.
You may be looking for assets that could be undervalued or search assets which could be potential candidates for growth.
Join the waitlistStay on top of the latest market movements by watching the sector, industry, and broader global market trends relevant to your portfolio.
Get insights into the markets by researching various topics like: market trends, asset class performance, risk-adjusted performance, beta and more.
Join the waitlistAnalyze the economic and financial data around a given asset to determine if it may fit your preferences and needs. Analyze the financials, earnings, valuation, ratings, risk/reward, news, sentiment and more.
Learn about the social and environmental impact of the securities you consider as part of your investment portfolio.
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